Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
I lost my car keys when walking down at Hataitai Beach, one was electronic key for car and its about $250 for a replacement. I ended up walking home to get a spare key and then back down to car. I made a poster (A4) and a $40 reward but no one came forth. I
I’ve been having grief with one of my wordpress websites. So I’ve been watching the usual videos that talk about disabling plugins by renaming the folder and that doesn’t seem to work. I was looking to put in my CV for a job and they asked for a website so I thought I’d put in
I’ve been wanting to buy a newer computer and realised that I have a couple on hand that I’m not using, so I thought I’d sell them on TradeMe to 1/ Get rid of them as they are cluttering up the place & 2/ Get a bit of cash so that I can put that
.DLL are dynamic library files, that can be read by multiple executables all at the same time, reducing overhead. So you could put all your functions in a .DLL file and call them from all your other scripts, thereby keeping all your functions in one place. this seems a good path to explore now that
I walk on Lyall bay beach and watch as new properties being built along the foreshore. I wonder how these will be managed with sea level rise. There has been work on the sand dunes and rocks added to try and reduce scouring at East End on beach last year. Lyall bay would be exposed
Do AHK libraries work on PC’s with no AHK installed? Test on PCs I want to try and setup an app that will be extendable. A basic core program and then be able to add features of your choosing write the code in blocks be able to allow for part of the program to be
There is a LintaList web page that has links to all the good stuff such as latest download, videos and other interesting things. I’m thinking that this may be better for my text expander items as I can go and check on them and also pull them up and search for them , rather than
Previous articles have discussed counter uses for a program and a license check to run. I’m interested in duration, as in, the software will run for 30 days then stop. So how to do? On installing a program it has to go and get today’s date and secrete that somewhere. Then each subsequent time the
In the prototype stage you can have a count to protect the program but what do you do when you hand over the program to others? You’ve given an install file so potentially they can share that installer with anyone. I wrote some articles and did a video for the temporary process Compile a program
Following on from Compile a program for install for distribution article. I’m thinking about doing some paid work, so I want to be able to send prototype scripts to people to use, but not the full version, or rather a version that will run for a while and then stop. That way the customer can