Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
Panoramic files (360/180) can be viewed directly with a programme such as Paint, but they do not make much sense. You need a specific Panoramic programme to read the files correctly. I use the FREE photo sphere viewer by Jeremy Heleine. Follow the link to see the demos. The method that the programme uses is
I have a process where I export Revit Models with Shared Parameter Data to a 3DPDF which can be read by anyone with a PDF viewer so that they can 1/ view 3D Geometry of Building Model, 2/ Extract data from 3DPDF to a CSV or XML file for processing. I have developed an Excel
I was looking at doing a project to test web scraping with Python. I came across this article from AIA about how many architects does the economy in the US need in the future. I found that a lot of the data used was from general government sources. So I thought I would look at
Working with large data sets in Excel is slow. So I wanted to see if I could use Python instead to wrangle the data. I wanted to use python to replicate some work I did using Excel and Knime. This was to adjust some pre-collected data from an Asset Database that was exported to a
Why would I want to use Python? I give an explanation at the bottom of background to how I selected this programme. After exploring Python tutorials, I decided that I could use Python to do help me do the following things that I have been working on, hopefully in a more integrated environment, rather than