Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
While trying to run scripts in AutoHotKey I started to look into getting the Bash scripts to work. I’d got all the other inbuilt scripting programs to run the example scripts so I thought I’d look into that too, just in case it had some effect on the AutoHotKey running issue Bash scripts in aText
After looking at all the tutorial videos and doing the basic exploring features of setting up a Ribbon tab from tutorial code it is time to try and do something. I crashed and burned trying to adapt some code for selection and colouring and realised I was over reaching a bit. So I need to
A regular expression, regex or regexp A regular expression, regex or regexp is, in theoretical computer science and formal language theory, a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Usually this pattern is then used by string searching algorithms for “find” or “find and replace” operations on strings, or for input validation. From Wikipedia.
I was looking through 101-useful-websites article and came across and used it to look up alternatives to say “Revit” and “AutoCad” and other tools I use. I then typed in KNIME which I use for data mining, data analysis and it came up with Orange as a free alternative. So I looked at some
The community edition download on the Neo4j website is here. After downloading the particular version you want in ZIP format it takes you to a page that offers a free book and the instructions for installing. For basic overview and setting up Neo4j community edition ( older version from an EXE ) I watched the
I have been interested in NoSQL databases and so I decided to try MongoDB. I always thought it stood for NO SQL but apparently its NOT ONLY SQL. I used this video to get an overview of setup and uses: Installing on VPS. Not a problem. Directly as the video. Installing on my PC, real
There is an interactive tutorial here running Python. This instance is running from another website so could be slow. I found this video extremely good for setting up (I used the pip install method not anaconda) and how to use it. The Jupyter Notebook The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you
After my first attempt to compile an executable programme with python, with no success. I thought I’d give it another try. The issue seems to be that the compilers do not play well with Python 3.6 yet. The nearest I came to getting anything working was with the CX_Freeze module with a file as
I have a lot of data in Databases, MS SQL for some of the Revit Model Extract data, MySQL for my WordPress sites and some of my data and PostgreSQL for my OpenMaint data. So linking to the Databases via Python to be able to extract, interrogate and possibly update the databases is another way
I have downloaded a lot of stuff from Github but haven’t really bothered figuring what it was about. I found this video a simple way to get my head around it and get to use it initially: Github Tutorial For Beginners – Github Basics for Mac or Windows & Source Control Basics I had signed