Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
After writing a post on following a tutorial for automated invoice for a cake shop order, Free Google Docs online ordering automated I decided that, after migrating my Services to my Blog Site I’d try setting up an Automated Quote process for one of the services I offer, namely a Browser viewer for Panoramas linked
Note – See comment at bottom regarding Images I have been trying to redirect people from my Blog site to my services site. This has not been going too well. Early days possibly but the count is not rising. So I thought I’d add my services to my Blog site under a header on the
What is Https? HTTP Secure is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol for secure communication over a computer network, and is widely used on the Internet. In HTTPS, the communication protocol is encrypted using Transport Layer Security, or formerly, its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer. The protocol is therefore also often referred to as HTTP
When watching a video on how to move from HTTP to secure HTTPS the presenter mentioned that he used a CDN service. Yet another acronym. I am working on fixing my DataIKnoW site and they recommended “Optimole” for images (although when I tried to install this plugin I got a blank screen). So I thought
A journal of my efforts to update 6 web sites on my Windows Virtual Private Server (VPS) to secure HTTPS with free HTTPS Certificates from LetsEncrypt. Also updating sites to WordPress 5.0 & their themes. Also reviewing Google Analytics & Search Console Setups required for these changes
I hang my head in shame! I watched SEO For Beginners: 3 Powerful SEO Tips by Neil Patel and he makes three points in his video: Make your content thorough, Keywords in Title & Meta description, Use Google Search Console, So for the first time after about 3 years of posting articles I finally did
Continuing the development of the site, a few more issues came up. Product Image Size I had an issue with the product image proportions being more portrait than square, that didn’t suit the images I had made for the site. I have since found a setting in the theme that lets you adjust the proportions
I have a couple of demonstration sites. Vast & Property Information. These are sites that I use to demonstrate certain functions of a programme or to display results. Early on I started with a Google Map that I applied data over. For some reason, it is a bit sensitive on my VPS site and doesn’t
On with the plot. I’m setting up a service based website with WordPress Woo Commerce site with Local by Flywheel. Copying Site from Local to Host Site Before I get too far with local I want to transfer a copy of my site to the new site I have set up on my VPS (Virtual
The plot. Selling services for Data Capture for Facility Management clients. The initial idea was building an Intranet/Extranet site but then I realised that I had built a site called PiP (Property Information Package) that offered data capture information for domestic/commercial clients, planned for Wellington properties (where I could actually visit) and I pulled it