Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
Name of Book? Heading & sub-heading Cover I’ll need identifiable revit symbol and some gears, something showing automation, other IDEAS for front cover image? Book Description See what other ones have on Kindle and Barnes & Noble, Kobo etc Keywords/Categories Look at testing those, these need research to bring up list . . Publisher Rocket
This is a productivity tool similar to QAP (Quick Access Popup) and you can trigger a pop-up menu with a hotkey or a mouse gesture. There is an editor where you can put a list of things like files/folders/URL’s etc , the nice thing is there is a little memo pop-up as well. I found
This program’s website seems to be defunct. So I think its not on sale anymore. A shame as its a pretty smart & versatile program and has its own scripting language for some tasks. It is basically a clipboard where you can save items for use later and do things with the items that you
I usually groan when I have to use Word. I find it too rich in features for what I need for writing and it is usually the default program in most offices. I struggle to use it as I get into all sorts of mess trying to do simple things like List numbering and a
I was looking on Windows club site for software and there was one and it had all the usual suspects, most of which allow for a free version and limit its funtionality, fair enough, I use and find it very useful. Mindmeister Lucidchart Mindmup Mindomo Coggle MindMapp Freemind Freeplane. All of the
I’ve been trying to keep the cost of electricity down by turning on/ff the hot water cylinder, which I see as something I have control of and does use quite a bit of electricity. Your morning coffee, evening lights and cooking are things you do as a matter of course, and I’m not going to
I had my car nicked for the 3rd time, this time my electric scooter was in the back and the insurance company will be paying out part of the cost of it. So I can consider purchasing another scooter or an alternative. I was quite keen on the electric skateboards but they are quite expensive
I have been using WordPress for a while now, usually intermittently to write some posts and I also use Blogger. I do find some of the methods of altering basic text a bit of a pain, and am pretty disappointed with some of the Keyboard Shortcut s that are on offer: I saw this video
I had made some additions to Revit KeyboardShortcuts.xml file and the file is quite big. Only some of the functions have a Keyboard Shortcut . So I wanted to create a KeyboardShortcuts.xml file that would only have my additions, so that when a person merged them in they were not going to bloat the ones
I’m starting to use more blocks in WordPress and am finding that there are not that many Keyboard Shortcuts within WordPress to use and the process of setting up blocks is quite slow. Shortcodes too slow in writing code So I wrote an aText snippet to allow for a fill in box for the title