Cupix free plan rubbish
I would recommend you do not even try it, its a waste of time
Capture a space in 3D without a 3D scanner (their byline)- It didn’t do that for me, so that’s a lie
After getting very excited about this programme from the videos, once you test the free plan out it is not that good at all.I think it sets itself up as a competitor to Matterport but the workflow is tortuous and the end product a bit ho hum.
I feel I have wasted a day on a mediocre product. I have spent a day on this and found I’m not very far forward at all.
Doing a bit of checking after running into difficulties you find that their product needs all the additional things to make it half decent. Their videos on YouTube demonstrate things that can only be done with all the bells and whistles. Frankly, my panorama process is just as good as theirs.
The creation of the 3d space (that you can only measure with the AEC add on package, so of no real use) was created so poorly for one space and not for any other on uploading files and setting for auto Align.
Doing the manual process was more reliable but it wouldn’t generate the 3d space, so it was just a bunch of links between panoramas.
On looking at posts about some of the issues:
- You have 250Mb of space on the free plan. Uploading files, you can hide them but cannot delete them, so your space is quickly gobbled up.
- On my 3 bed house, after trying 2 times (creating 2 VR tours, one auto-align, one manual, I’d pretty much gobbled up all the space, so I had to delete one
- They then suggest you compress your images to save space. Too late, you have to delete the 3d tour and start again. Uploading files etc. So previous work and time is wasted.
- As you are only allowed 3 free VR tours a month, you’ve almost gobbled up your allocation of VR tours. So that stymies you.
- I then tried using a VR tour to create one room only to see if I could create a good 3D space but that didn’t work, so there goes my monthly allocation.
- The idea of using only one room was that if it created a 3d space, I could merge that into an existing VR tour and hide a lot of the pano’s in the existing vr tour. It didn’t create it, so that went out the window.
- I thought there was potential to get dimensions from, the model, not on the free plan, so I wouldn’t bother with it personally.
- There does not seem to be any help files within the programme. I had to come out of the programme, google or YouTube, then go back into the programme.
- The process are not intuitive, you have to try quite a few times before you get the hang of the process, and clicking between pano’s with the esc key is not that seamless
- The controls, like the spin for the pano pivot was not smooth at all, neither was the rotation handle of a grouping.
- The grouping/ungrouping and moving images between groups awkward, also moving things from the unaligned grouping was a real pain.
- There were 42 images for a 3 bed house, this did not seem to be sufficient for it to generate the 3d model. In the first video of the previous post the gentleman there used about 57 images for a small one bed flat, so maybe I had less images than required, but it had gobbled up the storage space.
- Also, if you add pano’s later they do not add to the 3d space, they advise that you should create a new VR tour incorporating the new images. Not very flexible or robust at all if that is what you have to do.
- Capture a space in 3D without a 3D scanner (their byline)- It didn’t do that for me, so that’s a lie.
Sample demo after a days work (pathetic really)
There is a bit of a demonstration of the one I did with the auto-align, I had to delete the smoother Manual align one as I’d gobbled up all my space.
End comment
- Not worth the time I invested in trying out this product. A waste of time, promises big but minimal delivery.
- I’m almost certain the free version gets low processing resources on the server. I was extremely disappointed with the 3d space generated from my photos.
- I feel there should be some tolerance for learning with the programme, but get the feeling this organization are just being cute hoors. Trying to trip you up rather than giving people time to learn their programme to see the advantages. Others give you all the bells and whistles to try out at the beginning and then after a month give you a reduced package. Here, the reduced package is so limiting that its not worth trying, in my personal opinion.
- A bit of a frustrated process allocating time for a programme that had such promise but in fact a complete waste of time. I could have spent time improving my process rather than wasting time on this dead end product.
I would recommend you do not even try it, its a waste of time.