Category: Web

Knime Database Connections

I use Knime for re-structuring data. What is Knime? From their website: At KNIME,  we build software for fast, easy and intuitive access to advanced data science, helping organizations drive innovation. Our KNIME Analytics Platform is the leading open solution for data-driven innovation, designed for discovering the potential hidden in data, mining for fresh insights,

How to Set Up Room Data Sheets in Revit with (NOW FREE) WhiteFeet add-in

Update October 2019. Mario Guttman has very generously made Revit Whitefeet Plugin –All versions free. Go here to see about it. Well worth having an explore with these tools as they are practical and useful. Thank you Mario. Video (13. 28Min) Room Data Sheets are useful, they describe the room in a multitude of detail

Free Domains from FREENOM

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” Juliet in William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet What to call a domain name for your site? I’d suggest you do a bit of research on that. At the bottom of the page is my experiences with site naming, definitely not the most successful. All

WordPress Free Panorama Plugin Testing

I see panoramic 360/180 pictures as an extremely useful tool for Facility Management. As an Architect who goes to site to capture information on existing buildings and sites, the frustration of having a photo cut off just where you wanted to see something just outside the normal picture frame, usually requiring a 2nd visit to