Forwarding Emails from my email Server

I’ve been having problems with trying to setup accounts from the email server I’ve setup on my Contabo VPS. So I haven’t been using them recently. Its been a bit annoying as they are handy for when sites do not want a public email like gmail or hotmail, so you set one up from your domains.

I have just started to use the plugin WordPress Download Monitor and it wont send emails out from addresses other than those with your domain name. So that’s been a bit difficult too.

If someone has requested a download file and there is a problem then if they reply to that email they will get an “UNDELIVERABLE“. Which is annoying. So I was looking at ways for them to get their email to me so that I could fix the issue. I thought about putting my email address in the body, or in the CC: and tell them to respond to either of those addresses but it didn’t seem an elegant solution.

Forwarding email on hMailServer

I then found that within the server it allows you to forward the emails on to another email address, and when you reply from that address it sends it back to the recipient from the setup name. So that is handy.

So I now don’t need to setup email accounts for the Download Monitor plugin, I just forward it to other emails. The WordPress@creative I send the the and the max@ cr8ive I send to the ber account.


There is an alias feature in the email setup, I saw it on the old free European setup I had, I thought that was a forwarding feature, but apparently not . This is what the hMailServer Docs Link say about it :



Aliases are used to forward email from one specific address to another. Imagine them as addresses without a mailbox; instead of having their own mailbox, they store received messages in another account’s mailbox. This can be useful if you want to monitor several email addresses, but only have one real email account on the server. For example, you may want to receive email messages sent to [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected], but you just want to create the [email protected] account instead of 3 different accounts. Then [email protected] and [email protected] can be made aliases of [email protected]

Adding an alias
  1. Navigate to the domain in hMailServer Administrator
  2. Select the Aliases node under the domain.
  3. Click Add…
  4. Enter an email address in Redirect from. This is an alias email address, e.g. [email protected] in the illustration above. Email messages sent to it will be forwarded to the address you specify in the To field.
  5. Enter the main email address in the To field.
  6. Click Save

So it takes one email address and splits it into lots of them. Sort of reverse forwarding. I may have a use for it in the future.

End Comment

A handy thing to know, that has extended the life of thar MailServer as I was looking at other email addresses which took a lot longer to setup. So this makes all of that a lot more handy.