Scribus & yWriter
I was doing one of my regular searches fro Free productivity software and came across this article The Best Free Software of 2022 which had the following subsection:

Scribus Open Source Desktop Publishing
So had a look at Scribus on YouTube and there were a few things it could do that when considered the Camino Book it would have managed quite well, rather than the process that I took with Canva.
In this video writer had issues with not pdf from Word docx so chose to use Scribus to do pdf. This was my issue uploading Camino to D2D format wrong and wouldn’t be accepted.
this may be worth exploring and learning for paper and hardback books. Also for code books to have good code blocks to format in the right way.
This looks quite good for capturing ideas and formulating plots, definitely worth a crack at exploring
I’ve downloaded it, its by a scifi author who is also a programmer, Simon Haynes and he mentioned FreeMind that I’m exploring at the moment.
This has got me interested in writing a novel but I’m at early stages. I’m hoping to get a plot in Freemind and then flesh out in yWriter, but at present my mind has gone blank.
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Early days, a nice fond , hopefully I’ll be able to use these tools in the future.
I do like the idea of Scribus as I had a desktop publishing tool in Cambodia I liked using, so for a simple book may be worth using.
As I’m thinking of writing a book the yWriter may be a useful too, I also like how a writer has used his programming skills to make a tool to support his writing style. I wonder if I could do something similar with AHK?