Surface Book, Win 10 updates , Graphics Processor & Revit
I dread windows updates and as soon as they have taken place I open Revit to see if that is still working.
I think the updates knock Revit off the list for using the Graphic Processor. This is the first time I’ve been able to get Revit get back to normal without uninstalling the windows update.
This article “How to force the Microsoft Surface Book to use its Nvidia GPU” pointed me in the right direction. When I got to the NVIDIA Control Panel’. I found it under the ‘Hardware and Sound’ section in the Windows Control Panel. It did not come up on the start search panel at all.
In the past I’ve tried to find something that would indicate what was happening, whether it was using the GPU or not, and this time I was monitoring it in Task Manager

I noticed that the GPU was not popping up much for Revit so went in search of the GPU settings. The article pointed me to where I should go and I just added Revit to the list.

I was having a real performance issue and Revit was just locking up. After I added Revit to the NVIDIA Control Panel settings there was a definite improvement in performance. It was not locking up nearly as much.
I mist admit I wasn’t aware of being able to access the NVIDIA GPU on the Surface book, so I’ll keep an eye onm it for future Windows 10 updates.