100 Posts
Dear visitor,
I hope you have enjoyed some of the posts or got some useful insights/help that have assisted you in your work or interest.
I have enjoyed writing most of these and learning some varied skills along the way, not all in the areas I expected when I started the journey.
One thing that stands out is the vast number of free programmes and tools that are available.
The fantastic information that you can find on the web to help you learn a subject, either by YouTube or Googling a subject.
A personal thank you to all the people who have posted stuff that has helped me. I have tried, wherever possible to point to the reference Idea or resource in my post to acknowledge the debt I owe in learning that new subject/skill.
The table is a bit tight on the post as my central panel is a bit slim. You can view the data Table full screen HERE.
The posts started on a WordPress.com site in August 2016. I wrote about 3 posts and a few pages as I didn’t know the difference at the time.
Then I tried Web hosting and moved to an AwardSpace hosted site. I still have one site with them. It is good value.
After that the site moved to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) with Contabo where they are currently located. There was a bit of a falloff of visitors when moving from AwardSpace.
The most popular posts seem to be regarding OpenMAINT in all its difficult guises.
I did take some interest with Google Analytics for a while but that was just for interest. It did influence me to write a few more posts regarding OpenMAINT due to the interest in the subject. The great entertainment is in seeing where visitors come from around the world.
Ultimately the Blog has been a repository of information I have gathered over time on items of interest to me and an aide memoire when I revisit certain topics and need to know how I did it the first time around. It is also a great reference for sending someone else a link if they want information on a specific subject.
I now share these posts on LinkedIn and some of the posts had quite a lot of interest but I have strayed into some more complex areas (NoSQL databases , Python Programming & Statistics) and there is a definite drop-off in LinkedIn views ( a linkedIn view can be someone scrolling past it on their device, not actually looking at the post at all, so that doesn’t necessarily mean very much at all).