Asset Tiger 1. free Online Asset Management Service with Free mobile app
The AlternativeTo website popped up Asset Tiger as a free asset management tool when I typed in Alternatives to OpenMAINT.
It is a cloud based tool and has a mobile app so that you can use it on your smartphone or tablet which is good too, as its free (the OpenMAINT one isn’t).
Asset Tiger is really an Asset Register and you can do a couple of simple things with it such as Maintenance Scheduling, Warranties management and Barcode scanning and Ability to track assets by asset tag, id, person, location, area, category, department, warranty. It also has a nice reporting tool too, you can even automate it to send you the reports by email daily or at other periods. A nice feature.
It wont do work orders, I also haven’t seen any mapping tool either.
Full Feature List
- Unlimited assets
- Unlimited custom group security and privilege levels for users
- Unlimited custom reports
- Unlimited custom asset categories
- Complete mobile app for iOS and android
- Cloud based
- Alerts for assets, maintenance, contracts, licenses warranties, insurance, leases, funding
- Maintenance scheduling
- Import assets, categories, departments, sites and locations
- Ability to attach photos, documents, and notes to assets, contracts, licenses, insurance
- Ability to mass update assets
- Choice of any currency
- Comprehensive search engine
- Accessible on computers, tablets, and smartphones
- No programming required
- Unlimited concurrent users
- Unlimited sites and locations
- Unlimited contracts, warranties, insurance, funding, leases
- Configurable email alerts
- Barcode scanning via smartphone, tablet, and handheld scanner
- Accessible anywhere with internet access
- Complete check-in and check-out features
- Ability to track assets by asset tag, id, person, location, area, category, department, warranty
- Export assets, categories, departments, sites, locations, contracts, funding, and insurance in Excel, CSV, and PDF
- Bulk reallocation of assets
- Four methods of depreciation
- Ability to change the status of an asset any time
- Audit reports and functions
- Maintain asset cost records
- Its FREE!
The nice thing is unlimited users. So many products you look to try and they only let you on for one user, which isn’t very useful and their costs are based on users rather than assets, which I think is a bit daft as some people will rarely use the tool but they will have a monthly billing for their usage.
Here is a LINK to videos, look at the App one with barcode scanner.
My setup.
I decided to see if I could push some SPM type data into it. So I needed to add a few fields to what was there already.
You can download an Excel Template , fill it in and then upload lots of data. It lets you upload 5000 rows at a time.
- Create new categories (Grounds., Block, Level, Unit, Rooms)
- Create new field in Database for matching the SPM style data.
- Export Asset Template from Asset Tiger so that I could configure my Template for importing data.
- Do a bit of tidying up in the CSV file of Data that I was going to import. That had about 20,000 rows of Data that needed to be imported, so I would have to split the file. I also had to add some more column headers from the Template file that I had downloaded.
Use Knime to:
- Import the data from CSV. Also limit the size of the file so that I could choose 5000 rows of data at a time (in fact initially I chose 2 rows to test importing into Asset Tiger (to debug)
- Organise Column headers, ones in and ones that I did not want to use.
- Rename the Column headers so that they matched the importing Template fields in the Database.
- Export to an Excel File so that it could be used for upload.
NOTE: An extra step I had to do was to Change, in Excel, the Cell format on the COST filed to “NUMBER” from “General”. This caused errors all the time until I got it right.
Then Asset Tiger to import Data.
Asset View.
Here is View of One Asset and its details
Table Configurations
Setup & Search Assets
Adding a single Asset (too hard)
Use Import Wizard to upload Assets 5000 rows at a time
I am not sure if you can then download the assets, update them with more data or modify the data and then re-import the data- I have yet to test this.
This is a nice feature. You can do a setup to check a specific site or set of rooms and give a checklist of data. I need to look into this further. Good with Barcoding for going to check on some of the data.
You can store images , hopefully assign them to specific things. I need to try this out too. I wonder what the storage capacity is for the free site? As photos can take up a bit of room.
I think this is a very useful tool for assigning Contracts, Insurance Policies., WOF’s etc and Maintenance Manuals & Warranties to items
Configuring Reports
Configuring Users
Configuring Different User Access
End comment
For an asset register and tracking of assets this is quite a nice free tool. It is quite versatile and has some very nice features. It does not have much in the way of analytics or day to day workorder management It was not too hard to upload the information. Using Spreadsheets to import/export is a good level of processing.
I need to check export size for data.
There is no reason why you cannot drop the data out to analyse it externally with say Power BI, Orange, Knime and other tools as you can filter the assets you need to analyse before you export.
Mapping is not a feature but you could upload coordinates and then export for mapping.
As a free tool, I am impressed. I think for managing and containing the Asset Data its pretty good, and you have the mobile app to extend its functionality to the field.
I can see this as a useful tool.
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