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I’ve just spend a few hours trying to figure out a hotkey script to send emails at a touch of a MaxLauncher key to Thunderbird. My initial objective is to have a DEFAULT sender address, a set TO email ( I can have multiple buttons for different addressee’s if they are common or just a
I find articles/websites that I want to follow up on later and the method I’ve been using is to use the email button in the menu bar. This triggers my email Thunderbird and I then have to fill in To: Sender with my email address and then send the email. Step 1. Using bookmarklet to
I’ve a few bookmarklets that I think are great, but I don’t use as frequently as I would like to because I forget they are there to be used. A bit of an issue with me, I find interesting things but forget to use them sufficiently to get the most out of them. So they
I’ve been battling to get MaxLauncher buttons that run hotkeys. MaxLauncher is a program launcher that pops up on the screen and I looks like a keyboard. You can assign a file or folder to a key on the virtual keyboard. So if you want to send a hotkey, say Ctrl+W to a program, say
I was really exited when I found this program launcher as it has the same interface as my Stream Deck. So COOL!!! But, with stream deck I can close programs as well with hotkeys assigned to a button. That is great as I don’t have to remember the hotkey, all I have to do is
I was watching an AutoHotKey video and Version 2 was mentioned, and the fact that it is not backward compatible with Version 1. It is currently in beta stage and its a zip file so you can install it anywhere. I’m a bit confused about versioning as the current release (v1) has an L next
I came across Notify() and saw there were a lot of different things you can do with the function. It gives you a Toast Pop-up when somerthing happens. So when you fire up AHK scripts you can have a notification of that, as well as when you are shutting programs down. That makes you aware
After setting up listview as the method to display the files as per previous post Accessing Recent Files- Part 2-Jack Dunning’s QuickLinks then using LinkView which sorted out the principle of the program there were a few things I wanted to do to make it work in a more generic way. Use an ini file
In the first part of creating a link list of files for accessing I had a Proof of Concept that used AHK script to capture the information to a file and Excel to display and create hyperlinks. I’d commented that there didn’t seem to be similar programs that did this sort of thing and then
I use Github to store some of my code. I also make a lot of it public to share. I suddenly realised that I was copying my hotkey script across to github and that script contained some of my general passwords that I used for some of the general web stuff I visit. OOPS!!!! So