Category: Wordpress

400 Posts – (at 421)

I’ve just noticed that I’d gone through another milestone of 400 posts whilst sitting at 421 posts and 36 drafts. I think I had a mental image that I was being slower on writing posts as the 300 posts was a lot slower due to the other projects I was doing (Covid Blog & AutoHotKey

UTM tracking Google Analytics

The lighbulb lights. This is the missing link that I didn’t understand when I was looking at Google Analytics campaigns . I set one up once but I never understood what it was about. This does explain why I never could figure out how it worked. I wasn’t using the UTM tracking I may have

Christmassify website

I saw a couple of websites that had a bit of a Christmas theme so I thought I’d check out if there was a plugin you could add to your site. With WordPress you can just add a Plugin and there were a few, but I’d seen the Christmasify! plugin and decided to go for

WordPress and importing images problem

Recently I’ve been having issues with images not coming into WordPress Posts. I load an image from a screenshot and I get the following error: Adding an alt attribute just shows the alt attribute when looking at the web page so that solution doesn’t work. I’ve looked on the web and there is not that

300 posts

Its been slower writing the last 100 posts compared to the previous 200. But I’ve got there, with this being the 300th post. You can view the actual table here. Your browser does not support iframes Slower because of other activities I’ve broken out of just exploring this area of posting and started doing a

Https again

I just got an email form LetsEncrypt saying that some protocol will not be continued after June and i need to update to Certbot. That sounds fine, but going onto that it does not show a Windows server, so that confuses me. I found a video about using Cloudflare to do the HTTPS certification on