Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
From my generated inventory (using handheld barcode scanner) I have a file with my current status of what is in my freezer. This file sits on the tablet where the barcode reader sens the data. That is all well and fine, but I do not have it running all the time, so when I (1)
I wrote and article AHK Barcode and freezer Inventory to monitor my Freezer inventory. The idea was to test out an inventory structure and play with a handheld barcode reader. I did a video on it here: After creating the AHK script for that and testing it out, I then wanted to progress the idea
My Howya died recently, may it RIP, I had it for 3 years and definitely value for money. I upgraded to an Oppo phone, one of the criteria was that the new phone had NFC (Near field communication) so that I could play with tags. I’d bought, on Ali Express a NFC card read/writer that
I saw this article “Microsoft’s “Power Automate Desktop” Is Now Free and Can Do Your Work for You” that had a link to “Automate tasks with Power Automate Desktop for Windows 10—no additional cost” and if someone is offering free automation tools tthen I’m up for trying them out. You can download it here. This
After plant watering/recording app, which I use daily I wanted to move onto the Freezer Inventory. I have modified the Plant watering app for my beer brew recording, that is mainly typing in rather than barcode reading, but I inputted all the data pretty quickly, so now have a structured file with the data in
I’ve had a few AHK hotkeys that I’ve used for ages, and don’t have to think about remembering them, but now that I’ve been developing new scripts I’ve started having issues with remembering them. So I’ve been through a few processes. Pop-up Help MessageBox This was my first attempt at keepinmg a record, having a
I used sound frequencies to indicate input to different fields of the form. I demonstrated that to my daughter and she commented that it would be handy if it could tell you what had been scanned. I mentioned the SoundPlay function instead of the SoundBeep function, suggesting you could make small .wav files to play
Initial code setup for plant monitoring here. There is a more updated script in the next article here. Timekeeping original code There is a really nifty script (by yevolcn on GitHub) that allows you to quickly add in time in a pop-up menu triggered by Alt+3 hotkey. It writes the information to a file and
I now have an operating tool, and here is the input process: It works, to an extent. Here is the setup: It works , but it has a few issues. Steps of scan process Scan Trigger code to start Script Scan Add Tab. Cursor ready for first input Scan Plant ID, it then tabs to
I usually listen to audio-books on my phone by inverting the phone (so speaker upwards ) in my shirt or jacket pocket and listen to stories. It has a few issues: sometimes the stories are recorded quietly and there is no way to boost the sound so you’d carry the phone near your ear It