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I was doing one of my regular searches fro Free productivity software and came across this article The Best Free Software of 2022 which had the following subsection: Scribus Open Source Desktop Publishing So had a look at Scribus on YouTube and there were a few things it could do that when considered the Camino
This seems interesting, using file size to check integrity of transfer and file is valid. from Wiki A checksum is a small-sized block of data derived from another block of digital data for the purpose of detecting errors that may have been introduced during its transmission or storage. By themselves, checksums are often used to
Seem to be enterprise wikis TWiki and Foswiki where you can have internal pages built for information. I suppose they are like Obsidian but for businesses. I did see a mention on one post about forms, which would be a useful thing for an internal business wiki (eg expenses, queries, etc). They both seem to
Simon Haynes the author mentioned FreeMind on his site, so I thought I’d have a look at it. He uses it to develop ideas for his book. Documentation from SourceForge and there is some documentation for it there as well. The YouTube video demo’s some nice things. I like the HTML embed for the bubble
I saw this in Upfront.eZine RSS feed. WikiIFC. This looks interesting. Idea model built elsewhere but then brought across for rest of life here. A great concept. Looking at how to use in the future- In stealth mode at moment as they are developing it still. Test 1 I used the sample simple model and
I came across the following and it seems to be a useful place to store things like passwords and other private stuff that you can use across devices. It relies on you having the password on your site, not stored with the encrypted database. This is the info about it ProtectedText is an free online
I’ve been looking at my book sales and KDP select seem to be popular for Translated books. I did translations before and have now forgotten how I did the process. So I’m revisiting the journey I made before I’d been trying to do it in Word but it doesn’t work too well. I then remembered
I’ve played a bit in Glide & AppInventor with using IP Address to find location . I was reading Jack Dunnings blog about getting IP Address and putting it onto a map, with his IPFind.ahk script and decided to look mine up on this website What Is My IPAddress and this is what it returned:
I saw this video and the little bit that he showed for WordPress got me enthused into trying to setup stuff in AutoHotKey and in aText. A few of the samples are below. The one thing I find a nuicance in WordPress is headings and the popup for that with aText with z4, z3 for
I’m hunting around for a color accordion/spoiler as the current one is gray and a bit bland. I found the ultimate shortcode plugin had extra css to put in and that got the job done, I’d tried a few other plugins including Cosmic Blocks but am really happy with the solution as it reduces extra