Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
Dear visitor, This post is to acknowledge that I’ve now written 200 of them. A milestone. It has taken me 8 months to write them. I hope you have enjoyed some of the posts and have received some useful insights/help that have assisted you in your work or interest. I have enjoyed writing most of
I’m usually pretty relaxed with my emails. I don’t get too many personal ones so can manage those quite easily.The other ones I sort through daily and either delete or mark as read. If there are persistent emails from services I no longer use, or find annoying I send to junk. I use emails to
I wanted to link a couple of things I’ve been learning and doing and highlight them in videos. In some demonstrations seeing is better than listing Vid 1. Screen Capture & Optical Character Recognition (OCR) In this video I wanted to show how to use screen capture process to get code from YouTube and other
Example of Context menu pop-outs Interface for setting up: pyWinContext is a Free Manager for Custom Context Menus in Windows. You can download the actual compiled .exe file here. There is a video on use case here, its not in my area of interest but you can see how useful it is: After uploading and
All Posts by Category. Most Popular Posts 3D PDF data access API Automation AWS Free Tier BIM, Revit Data Analysis Data Extraction Databases Drawings Excel, Power BI & Google Sheets Google Docs Graphs JavaScript, ReactJS Knime, Orange, RapidMiner, Weka Maps NoSQL Databases OpenMAINT & Asset Tiger Panorama 360 images Productivity Python Surveying building condition Video
I was reading an article about integrating Google Apps with WordPress and one was a plugin for Google Forms and decided to investigate it. When I went to install the plugin I came across Calculated Fields Form plugin for WordPress and decided to install that too. I’m glad I did, this is a great plugin.
I need to get my head around this to see if it can supplement the sheet filtering info I was exploring in the last post. Formatting Macro tutorial I will be following the tutorial in the video below, it is one of the videos from the Learn Google Spreadsheets that I think is an exceptional
I wrote a post on using Excel filterable Heatmaps for Asset Condition over time online. This was an excel file on my OneDrive that I then embedded in a web page. I had filtered the columns so that you could filter columns to do forecasting for building items that would need work to be done
YouTube screen capture convert text I watch tutorial videos to learn how to do certain things in coding. Sometimes, in the video, they leave a copy of the code so that you can download it, other times this is not the case. So you have to write the code out longhand for yourself, which can
There seems to be a few plugins that will take your article in Google docs and post on a WordPress site. The first one I came across was an addon in Google Docs called for Google Docs. This requires you to have the Jetpack plugin on your WordPress site. I’m not keen on that