Python Remote Trigger from subdomain on Website

Following on from the Python Remote Trigger Scripts at variable User Selected Times video where I did a button from a IP address website, I wanted to create a website on a SUBDOMAIN of one of my existing Domains.
In this video I show how to set it up for Windows Server IIS so that it can be accessed externally from outside of the server.
I also show how you can run it locally on the server without having to add a subdomain on your hosting site, using the HOST file located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts that you can access with Notepad.exe run as Administrator.
My domain hosts are Cloudflare (which is a CDN site Content Delivery Network) and Freenom ( just a normal site that hosts the domain names).
Using https certificates, (generated for free using LetsEncrypt, use a non matching certificate to test the subdomain being reachable from external browsers.
I had to reset up my Python Flask app in another folder under the Domain name that I was using to host the subdomain, so you will need to follow the Gyan Of Python’s Python Flask Application On IIS | Deploy Flask Application On IIS video
He has a repository of github with some scripts : to help you create IIS site that will run the flaskapp to do this.
Ensure that all the items he highlights HAVE PERMISSIONS given to them!

This is a progression from getting the web button to activate a remote pythonscript and the next 2 articles takes this further.

Having an actual domain or subdomain to fix your app to mean you do not need to expose your server I address and can therefore move it around to different sites.

End comment

I like the fact that I can just memorise the subdomain address rather than lots of numbers for the I address and port number.

This has now opened up a few opportunities for building a lot of apps and hosting them on my server.

The process was a bit frustrating at times and there were not too many examples of how to do this.