GoPro video editor

I indulged in purchasing a 2nd hand GoPro Hero 5. I got it from trademe for $315. The bundle had the GoPro and also a few extras to go with it including hand grips, chest & head harnesses and a couple of batteries & charger & Micro SD card. There were older & newer models but I chose this one as it had a wide selection of accessories and it is the first GoPro to have Auto-stabilization.

The intention is to record some of my eScooter trips with Jess and get back into videoing and photographing activities. I do have video on my camera but I do not use that much but I thought I’d try the GoPro as it can be strapped on and voice activated, so reasonably hands free.

My issue at the moment is getting the images/videos from the camera to the computer, editing them and uploading to YouTube.

I’ll most probably do an article on the GoPro Hero 5 Black once I’ve managed to figure it out. Currently trying to figure best way to download files from GoPro to PC. I’ve tried getting SD card out and putting it into PC, a drawn out process, currently using the USB cable transfer, but still have to take it out of the Casing to do that, but definitely faster than via SD card.

You can apparently do it from Wifi, as per the video below but I couldn’t get that working:


I want a simple video editor that will intuitively allow me to trim and splice videos. I have Premier Pro on my PC but its complicated, too hard to use for just simple editing, so I’m in search for something that I can come back to and use without a steep learning curve.

Quik Studio for Desktop by GoPro

I downloaded this and it is not supported anymore by GoPro and it doesn’t work on my computer, so that was a complete waste of time. I checked on support and YouTube but no joy, so I uninstalled it. A waste of space.

There is a mobile app but I do not want to be editing videos on my phone, far too fiddly.

Windows Store video editing apps -RUBBISH

A lot of these have adds or are of such a limited use that they are not even worth downloading, one Windows 10 Editor lets you edit but doesn’t let to save so that was a waste of my time. I didn’t realise just how rubbish the Windows App store was. I’ll stay away in future, although the Android store is not much better.

VSDC Free Video Editor

I’m trying VSDC editor out, it seems to have a lot of the features that I want, this video seems to outline the features of the tool and they seem quite comprehensive. I’ll have a bit of a play with it to see if it meets my needs. At the end of the edit you can upload to YouTube directly which is handy, although I will want a copy in my directory.

This looks like a tool I could get to use on a regular basis, with the 10 minute intro video that should get me up to speed on what I require.

I was wondering about doing a voice over after I’d clipped all the bits of videos that I wanted and the vid below shows how you can do this, although the sound on the vid is awful:

End comment

I ended up, playing with the Quik GoPro app blowing away all the videos I had so I’ll need to go and record some more before doing the video editing, but this program seems to be able to do all the things I want. I’ll have to add to this article as I go.