Win10 PC speed up and cleanup
I am a collector of trifles. I load up programmes, test them and then tend to leave them on my computer if I have sufficient space. Over time, the computer slows and I need to give it some TLC (Tender Loving Care) by clearing it out.
I usually have a high spec computer with lots of RAM, a reasonable Chip, Graphic Card and Storage, so it takes a while to fill up and slow down. On my tablets I’m a bit more cautious with what I load up on it as it is a little more restricted.
But there comes a time on all PC’s when they need a looking at. I’ve decided, as I’m on a productivity Kick, to look at mine.
I saw the video below and thought it was quite a useful step by step and also it has a pdf download. Its also had more than 1.3M views so it seems to be a “go to” video.
Here is another video about an earlier update but some are still relevant:
CCleaner (Free version and Trial Pro version)
CCleaner was mentioned in the video above but I have also seen it listed as a free productivity tool in a couple of posts. So I thought I would try it. I decided to use the free version rather than the trial professional version.
Beware on Install it has a pre-ticked box for Avast Anti Virus, I got caught on that and it took me a while to remove it.
It works across a spectrum of areas from Browser to duplicate files to Uninstall. Follow the video for the steps.
From the CCleaner tool and reviewing some of my files I went from 49.2GB free space to 118GB free space. So that was good. On my Surface 3 tablet I went from 12 GB to 19.8 GB, which is good as I want to load LibreOffice on it ( I was playing around last night with loading WPS Office (Word Perfect Suite) that runs VBA macros but macros are turned off in free version, so I did quite a few installs and uninstalls as its called a couple of different things King Office but all to no avail. So it was good to clean the tablet up.
One thing that caught my attention was file types: I thought I’d had most =of my photos and videos stored on my MyCloud and external storage drives so it was good to identify those files filling up my PC and I have moved them as part of this process.
End Thoughts
So now I’ve cleaned the PC & tablet up I can download and test a lot of other programmes, hurray.