Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
After getting the Stream Deck I have been having tentative explorations into its setup and uses. A good Stream Deck article about process and setup is here You can create your own icons from a Stream Deck library , go HERE Stream Deck Calculator I saw this video and thought it would be a great
I was looking up AHK productivity and came across some extra information about Stream Decks and justification for using that rather than a 2nd keyboard. I thought this video was good in that it covers plugins and alternatives and other methods to try things out like Touch Portal This article seems to be useful too
I wrote an article on mapping a 2nd keyboard for macros, I’m using EvilC’s AHK method for doing so. See Mapping a 2nd Keyboard for macros (USB & bluetooth). This is using mainly AutoHotKey do do all the heavy lifting. You also need to code in all the maco’s into a script which you need