?️-Tool to map validated data from Revit models to AMIS
We can assist you in mapping your data across from Revit to be imported into your specific AMIS (Asset Management Information System).
This requires a specific understanding of your AMIS to be able to understand:
- What data structure the AMIS takes for importing data into its database
- What valid data lists are required for data input so that this can be verified prior to export from Revit
- What data client would want to get from a Revit model
Based on the above we develop and test a tool to see that this can work.
- We create shared parameters that relate to specific categories that we can push into Revit model- we put a prefix like”ACME-” on parameters to ensure there is no conflict with existing parameters in the model
- We then set up a structured library with pull-down lists that are acceptable and valid entries for the AMIS database, so that BIM technicians only pick valid entries for the parameters.
- We then develop a validation process based on these valid entry lists
- A process for exporting the information from Revit to a format that can be uploaded to the clients AMIS.
- Where there are certain items of data that are not in the AMIS or valid entries that need to be updated within the AMIS we will work with the Clients AMIS provider to ensure that they are updated in their system.
Once the tool is developed part of it can be shared with designers and contractors so that they can:
- populate their models with the appropriate parameters
- Have a reduced capacity version of the software so that they can use it to populate the parameters with accurate and valid data
- With this software run a validation procedure which will issue a report on whether the correct data has been inputted into the parameters
- This report, along with the model can then be sent to the client.
- The clients BIM technicians (either in-house or contracted) can check the validation of the data, then export it to a file for upload to the AMIS.
Once this bespoke tool has been developed for the client it can be used to push further parameters into the models to extract more information from them. This procedure can be repeated as many times as required.
For example.
- Initially, all that is required is the room data such as floor substrate finish, floor finish, floor area, the same for walls, the same for ceilings for all the rooms in the model
- Later, skirting and scotia lengths are required, some extra parameters can be put into the model and these parameters filled in and then the data extracted
- Later again, all the light fittings, their manufacturer’s details model need to be extracted (from As-built data manufacturer/model data can be obtained)
- Later again all the ductwork, duct fittings, duct equipment etc needs to be captured and this can be done by writing shared parameters that can be put into the model.
All the later parameters can be chosen, written and tested by the client within the programme so they can choose to extract whatever information they want to extract from the model. They can test these parameters and then share them with designers/contractors who can input and validate this information in their models (either already built building models or current ones)
After imputing shared parameters into the model, the designer/contractor can validate the inputted data.
If cell ORANGE, then it identifies that this may have data, but it is empty.
if cell RED , then it is not valid data and this needs to be corrected
If cell GREEN then data is valid. When all cells that need input are Orange & Green then the data can be exported in a category. If there are RED cells then it will not allow the data to be exported until red cells corrected.
Once validation procedure run it asks if you want a VAlidation Report which is in PDF format.
A screenshot of part of the validation report. Note the Red line under Rooms where it highlights an error. Ther rest of the report is black if cells are either Blank or Valid Data.
The image below shows the pull down list of that specific shared parameter. The red cell shows content that is not in that list, therefore it is NOT VALID and the cell is coloured RED to highlight this issue.
You can choose to develop your own specific parameters in any category. Also you can choose and create a list of only Valid data that will be accepted into that Shared parameter.
Note, some shared parameters can be calculations such as Skirting Length = Room Perimeter – 1m for every door opening into room (can be more sophisticated and subtract each door width so more exact). These can take a little time to develop and test to make sure they are robust.
Below are a number of videos showing how this tool has been utilised by Wellington City Council to capture their building asset data.
Creating Shared parameters (for data extraction)
Wall lining quantities to schedules and export
Room quantities to schedules and export part 1
Room quantities to schedules and export part 2
Views and Schedules to sheets
Extraction from external consultants revit model
Setting he model for data extraction from Scanned image plans
Extraction from external consultants ArchiCad model
Bridge in revit data to separate Database extract
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