Visual Asset Strategic Tools. Capture Building Information for Building Life Management. Open Source/Low Cost Technology Solutions for you to control your buildings
Google Calendar and time sheets In the last productivity post Free productivity with Google Docs & sheets I talked about using the Google Sheets Add-in time sheets. This linked to a Google Calendar and any event with a “#” at the beginning it took as a Time sheet input. It then created a Report with
Executor Executor is a multi purpose launcher sporting many optional customizable features and advanced setup. Executor is like Launchy & Wox. It does the same thing but it is easier to get to grips with and easy to set up for programmes, search queries and folders. I like it so much I’ve uninstalled Wox and
I’ve been exploring the internet for online productivity tools and the same ones keep on occurring. You can look online to see the posts yourselves. What I did come across though were some interesting tools withing programmes I use a little and should use more. As I’m transitioning away from Microsoft Office and looking at
I initially was going to do a step by step process with screenshots of processes, then I decided I’d do a video of: The process I was using as an overview of the pdf data to excel macro, and challenges I had with the process. I then decided I’d do an overview of some of
Actiona Microsoft Flows- Tested but didn’t work testing VoiceMacro and Automation Workshop Actiona Actiona (formerly known as Actionaz) is free, it is a task automation tool. It allows you to create and execute action lists. You don’t need to know any programming language to use it: its intuitive interface allows you to create action lists
In this post: Automation Workshop RoboTask Lite Firefox logins and seeing passwords PowerShell- First attempt- Logging into WordPress site Batchrun You search for a solution for one operation, then explore different solutions for more general operations, then you start testing a lot of programmes that are more generalised, to come back to something that was
In this post: File Preview Pane in File Explorer Remote Website Share Drive in File Explorer Shift + Right Click on File for more options Controlling Macros on Start when opening programmes Maximized Remove Image background with Online free PhotoScissors or in MS Office programmes File Preview Pane in File Explorer This is like QuickLook
A few other programmes I have come across while exploring productivity tools. Action(s) Action(s) is an automation desktop tool that is written in Java. It was developed from 2009 to 2012 and has not been supported since (as it says on the website. It is a free tool and a desktop version can be downloaded.
On exploring VoiceMacro I noticed that it has a scheduler, so you can start your scripts at a specific time. I realised that with AutoHotKey .AHK its not as elegant, but you can use your computers Windows Task Scheduler. If you go to your start button and type Task Scheduler it comes up. The first
I have not tried any of the voice activated tools like Cortana, Siri or Google Assistant. The idea that your voice is being listened to and information transferred remotely does not appeal at all. The idea that something is listening to you and triggers on a specific command infers that it is listening to all